Searching for soldiers fallen in battle

There are several families whose not even distant ascendants took part in the war, survived it or died heroically in it.

Some of the stories are known to the affected, but there are some families who, even after several decades, do not know when the grandfather died, under which circumstances he was declared missing. If you would like to know more, you should contact us for help.

As a starting point, any document containing the name and identity of the soldier can help. This kind of research is particularly complex and can not be generalized as far as paperwork or research results are concerned. Military archives, or military history archives can also provide important information about the rank and position of a soldier. Unfortunately, however, these data are not always available to us. If so, there are resources rather since the First World War.

The possession of civil data allows us to find out the rank, but in the reverse case, this is not always possible.

Searching for soldiers fallen in battle-Căutarea soldaților căzute în război


Additional services

Collecting documentation for citizenship

Searching for living relatives

Jewish family tree research

Population research

Family tree research

Name origin research

Checking and completing family trees

Making coat of arms

Certified translation

Making family tree drawings

Our references

facebook Romanian ancestry