Anyone who is uncertain about his or her ancestors and wants to know more about his or her origin can apply for this service.
The service is mostly used to identify subancestral relatives of your ancestors, their brothers and spouses and their children. It can also happen that the basis of the request is to research the frequency of a particular family name in a given settlement.
It is said that in order to understand who we are, we must know our past. For those who really think so, this may be important. This service can help, provide answers if you want to go back to your family’s past.
How deeply and thoroughly we have to research depends on several things. The first and maybe the most important factor is to find official, written documents or to have a reliable and later ascertainable basis for that topic. In some cases, for example, noble families retained data so that we can get abundant information from them. In other cases, for Jewish families this is a difficult task due to the destructions during the Second World War, but it is not impossible.
Another important factor may be the place of residence: countryside or city. Or the social rank, appointment, which in some cases must have a written record. All these factors influence the depth and turnout of the investigation determining the depth to which we find direct ascendants, or the available data eventually allows us to explore subancestral relatives, as well. The difference between traditional genealogy research and population research is in details.